Archive | November 5, 2009

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grinternet: A ‘Save The Hedgehog’ Special.

If you are having a bonfire tonight, before you light it; remember to check for hedgehogs and other hibernating wildlife. Hundreds of the adorable buggers are burned to death each year…. Look at them:

Hastily put together, poorly thought out spotify playlists: A Bonfire Night Special.

Continuing the Bonfire night shenanigans, here are a few Guy Fawkes, Bonfire, Firework related songs I lazily threw together, feel free to add your own or mock my apathy in the lickle box below it:   Here be playlist.

Not all pets are scared by fireworks.

Just for us…


As it’s Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes tonight, I thought some fireworks would be appropriate… These are from the Omigari Fireworks Competition in Bushido, Japan. Hope you enjoy them:

Awesome 90’s mash up video…

Poodle cat?… (no shaven pussy gags please)