Tag Archive | grinternet

Grinternet: A things riding tortoises special.

Something. Dog. BBQ Small child. Rooster. Kitten. Another tortoise.

Grinternet: (Yet another) Simian Special…

Monkeys eating jelly! Chimps on ice skates! (via @Animalhouse35) Chimps Riverdancing…. WTF? (Again Via @Animalhouse35)

Grinternet: A Novelty Pillow Special.

Just some clever and/or funny pillows and cushions I found on the intertoob today. Click to embiggen.

Grinternet: A Lego Special.

Grinternet: An ‘Anteaters In Clothes’ Special.

Grinternet: A ‘Pandas on rocking horses’ Special.


grinternet: 29/10/09


grinternet: 22/10/09

A few old photo’s that caught my eye today….

Grinternet: An Orang-U-Tan special 09/10/09

In an Orangutan mood today, well I am EVERY day. But today I am sharing the orange love with you lucky buggers:

Grinternet: 24/09/2009

Grinternet: 22/09/09

Grinternet: 19/09/09

Grinternet: 15/09/09

Grinternet: 14/09/09


A couple of optical illusions….

Grinternet: 27/08/09

Grinternet: 24/08/09

Grinternet: 19/08/09

grinternet: 17/08/09

A ridiculous exam answer special today:

Grinternet: 16/08/09